
Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Summer Recycling Tips You Shouldn't Forget

As summer draws near, it becomes much more apparent that our weekends and sunny days
will be spend outdoors, rather than inside. With the warm weather rapidly approaching, plans
for barbecues and family gatherings are often being constructed, as are trips to the beach
and other types of vacations. But what comes with people who are constantly on the move
is an excess of materials that end up in the trash, or worse, thrown into the environment.
As these activities draw near, it’s important to remember the recycling tips you’ve known
over the years in order to keep your environment cleaner, as well as save on the cost of
disposable items!

Switch From Paper

Even if you’re going to be out for a picnic or a bbq, you can still bring utensils and other
items that don’t immediately get thrown in the trash. Items such as your forks, knives,
cups and plates can be great ways to save on costs and have less garbage to throw
away afterwards. If plates are too much, consider a paper plate and make sure to recycle
it as soon as you’re finished with it!

Buy In Bulk

If you’re the type to host parties often, consider buying in bulk instead of in smaller
quantities. A perfect example of this is water! Consider renting a water jug that can
dispense water into reusable cups instead of buying a huge pack of water bottles which
can end up in the regular trash, or on the ground. This reduces your plastic usage by a
large amount and helps keep the clutter at bay!

Conserve Water

Sometimes it’s ok to let the little ones loose and allow them ot use the sprinkler for their
own personal waterpark. On the other hand, it can be very wasteful if you’re doing this on a
regular basis. Instead of letting the water go to waste, consider using a small inflatable
pool surrounding these sprinklers to ensure that you can trap the water and use it for
something else, like washing your car or watering the plants!

Of course, your trash is important, as is total recycling during these months. Make sure
you’re on top of your recycling schedule and making sure that everything is being
disposed of the way it should be this season!

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

How You Can Spruce Up The House This Spring

Sprucing up your home can be a terrific way to de-stress on the weekend,
while also improving the quality of your life at home. You’re more encouraged
to invite people over, and you may even add value to your home! By performing
small activities on the weekend or after work, you can make small improvements
to your home which can result in a much more positive living experience.

Declutter your Home and Remove Trash

Consider starting by removing items that you no longer want from your home.
Your home should be your haven and you should love what is in it, but it should
not be over-cluttered! Go through each room and remove items that you no long
er use, and consider donating old items to a homeless shelter or another charity
shelter in your area. The less clutter that you have in your home, the better you will feel.

If you have a lot of trash in your home, you’ll likely want to remove it as soon as
possible. Trash build-up can lead to many problems, and even illnesses if you’re
not careful. It can be a pain to haul off trash, but that’s precisely the function of your
local waste management company! If you don’t yet have a pick-up schedule, it might
be time to consider this!

Going Greener in your Home

Consider adding recycling into your home’s routine to help spruce up the look and
feel of things lying around You won’t have as much trash to clutter up your kitchen, bedrooms and living spaces, and you’ll be able to improve the environment at the
same time! Recycling is imperative in today’s society, so it’s important to make sure
that your waste management company offers this service to you as well. (Hint: we do!)

If you’re interested in other ways you can go greener at home, we’re here to help!
City Carting has proudly served over 11,000 happy clients in the Stamford area over
the past 20 years, and we’re ready to help your home thrive as well!

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Issues At Home That May Be Caused By Spring

With spring finally here, there are a number of things to look forward to! Warmer weather,
longer days, and outdoor activities are just a few. But with the warmer weather comes a
number of not so great things as well — and one of those are the animals and critters that
come out to ‘play’ near your home. At night and during the day, they’re certainly going to
be looking for a snack. Below are a few of the critters you should be looking out for this
season, and a few ways to keep them away.


Squirrels seem to multiply each spring, which can bring a ton of unwanted guests
around your home. They’re typically looking for food on grass, in garbage cans, on
bird feeders and in trees for food to munch on, but it can get to be a pain. Instead of
letting them roam free, keep them at bay by sealing up garbage cans and adding a
bit of repellent where necessary.


One of the smarter animals, raccoons will use their great eyesight at night and thumbs
to swindle their way into your garbage and more during the night. To prevent this from
becoming an issue, tie your garbage can lids down with bungee cords and keep food
away from open areas. Raccoons are scavengers and will use their sense of smell and
sight to track down your food and leftovers.


Nobody wants these, but sometimes, your waste can lead to an abundance of bugs.
Make sure anything sugary, potent, or old isn’t left out in the open. Bugs are always
looking for things like fruit and meat to thrive on, and it’s hard to get rid of them once
they’re here. Make sure if you spot a few, you use repellent in that area and check for
a source of food or nesting.

Should you need help handling your waste this season, make sure someone is
professional enough to handle it. Whether you’re a home or business, make sure you’re
handling everything from residential to commercial grade waste! At City Carting,
we have 11,000 happy clients with a range of services and specialties!  

Monday, April 2, 2018

The Best Types Of Garbage Bags To Use

Home and business owners in the Stamford area love to have clean, well-kept
properties. But something as simple as proper garbage removal can sometimes
become an issue. Nobody loves garbage or recycling materials loaded in excess
— and sometimes, getting rid of the garbage and recycling materials can be
equally difficult without the right garbage bag to place all the items in!

While it may seem that all garbage bags are equal, candidly, many brands are very
different in materials and design. Some bags make waste management a breeze,
and others can create a hefty mess. For those looking for the right type of garbage
bags both sturdy and green for their waste management removal, make sure to
follow these guidelines

Typical garbage bags with twist ties can be difficult unless the garbage bag is not
filled to its maximum capacity. Picture an overloaded garbage bag exploding from
the bottom — we’re guessing that’s not something you want to deal with. This is
why for larger loads, it’s best to look for bags that are built to handle the weight
without tearing open.

While some garbage can easily be handled by dollar store garbage bags, there
are quite a few types of garbage that require greater strength in a garbage bag.
Bathroom garbage bags (typically smaller plastic bags) usually do not need to be
reinforced and almost any standard bag will do. For kitchen garbage, if the bag is
not filled to the top with a heavy amount of materials, a standard garbage bag may
work well.

Typically, the best type of bag is for larger kitchen cleanups a reinforced garbage
bag that comes with ties or plastic handles built in. For yard debris or garage cleanups
, a multi-layered thick plastic garbage bag is also best. These types of garbage bags
are not usually found in a regular grocery store, and must be sourced from your local
hardware store.

For people who have the environment in mind, there are some garbage bags that
can be purchased or ordered for both garbage and recycling that are biodegradable
materials. These can sometimes be purchased at hardware stores, however, they
are most often found online and in natural food stores.

Whatever the job you’re looking to complete is, make sure it’s a mess-free ordeal
and you’re purchasing the right bag for the job. Even some of the best bags won’t
break the bank, so it’s perfectly normal to choose an off-brand if preferred.

For more waste management tips and information about how you can improve your
home’s waste routine and collection, City Carting is proudly housed in the Stamford,
CT area and can assist your home or business with effective waste management