As the holidays approach rather quickly, you may find yourself in the pool of individuals
who can’t seem to find the right gift for friends and family members. And while this is an
all too common occurrence for many, it doesn’t have to be a painstaking experience
finding a gift! Thinking about those who have recently moved into a new living space,
there’s always room for figuring out what to get new homeowners! We’ve got a few ideas
you can look for today that may help your case.

Disposal Products
When someone moves into their new house, one of the things they’re going to use almost
every single day is a garbage can. Whether in the bathroom or in the kitchen, everyone
needs one, and they love when it matches the decor around the home. Grabbing a few
garbage bins might not seem like the most fun gift in the world, but it helps with waste
management and it’ll sure excite the new homeowners.
Towels and Rags
It’s one thing to be unprepared when you’re not really in need of something, but when
there are dishes soaking wet and you don’t have a way to dry yourself after a shower,
things can become a problem. Grabbing your friends or family a spare set of towels is a
great way to let them know that they’re prepared for guests, and they’ve got a backup set
of laundry-based items should they need it!
Extra Supplies
Believe it or not, a basket full of cleaning supplies is probably a great idea! Everything
from granite and stove cleaner, down to sponges and steel wool can be useful for those
who don’t know they need it in their home. Keep them stocked with the everyday items
they didn’t know they needed!
Of course, new homeowners should also check in to see about what they can do for their
waste once it exits the house. Should this be something they need to focus on, make sure
they're educated and go with a company that can help!
Providing homes and businesses with effective waste management is a service that City
Carting & Recycling has been doing for over 35 years. If you’re looking for dumpster rental
or services, give us a call at (888) 413-3344 to request a free quote, or visit us on our