
Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Earth Day Prep

Earth day is on the way! Getting involved for the one day per year that we recognize
all things green and beautiful, there are tons of ways that you can continue to make a big
difference in your community and at home. And while this specific day showcases a ton of
great things happening, that doesn’t mean it can’t be a continued trend throughout the year!
See how you can prep for earth day below and begin a greener lifestyle for you, your family,
and your home.

Community Involvement

One of the easiest ways to get involved is to look for community efforts revolving around
the earth day holiday. This is something that should be heavily advertised on community
sites, in the paper, and online. Not to mention that it feels great, and can turn into a regular
voluntary activity.

Use Less Chemicals

Unless they’re natural, try using less chemical additive-rich cleaners around the house. Not
only are there comparable options available in stores, but this is much easier on the
environment and it can provide you with a number of health benefits, as well as a clean home!

Throw Junk Away

If things are just taking up space at home, try throwing these things away in order to make
space, and give them a better chance at life! A lot of your trash can likely be recycled in some
way, so it’s favorable to try and give them a new life elsewhere, and reduce your overall footprint!

Providing homes and businesses with effective waste management is a service that City
Carting & Recycling has been doing for over 35 years. If you’re looking for dumpster rental
or services, give us a call at (888) 413-3344 to request a free quote, or visit us on our
website! For more information, tips and tricks, make sure to Like our Facebook page!

Friday, April 12, 2019

Teaching Your Children About Proper Waste Management

At the end of the day, everything you do at home in front of your children will in some way,
resonate with them -- so it’s important to teach good habits from the get-go! One of the
easiest things you can do is lead by example -- and waste management and cleanliness
is a great place to start! Below are a few ways you can instill good waste habits into your

Garbage in Every Room

At a young age, it’s important to put different trash bins in every room that they’re constantly
in. This helps them figure out and learn that there’s a place for garbage every time they’re
done with something, and to also get rid of it once it fills up. Not only does this teach them to
throw things out, but they’re less wasteful and can help out by tying off and bringing full bags.

Teach Them About Different Materials

It’s important that your children know about the different materials associated with garbage,
especially so they can make informed decisions about what to do with them. Showing them
the difference between paper, plastic, aluminum, and other materials prove very beneficial
when it comes to them knowing what to do with each one.

Keep Them Responsible

It’s worth showing your children what can happen to garbage that is left unattended and
uncollected, so they know about the negatives that come with garbage.Letting them know
that once full odor becomes a big factor, and certain things need to be taken out immediately
to prevent it from happening!

Providing homes and businesses with effective waste management is a service that City
Carting & Recycling has been doing for over 35 years. If you’re looking for dumpster
rental or services, give us a call at (888) 413-3344 to request a free quote, or visit us on our
website! For more information, tips and tricks, make sure to Like our Facebook page!

Friday, April 5, 2019

Consolidating Space To Save Waste: 3 Tips

It might not seem obvious, but when you save space at home, you can also save waste
at the same time! There are a number of things that, in your home, relate to one another,
and this is one of them! As spring cleaning begins to commence, it’s important to take a look
at everything your home has, and how you can begin to make the most of your square footage.
Below are a few things you can do to improve the waste management, and how to save space
in a number of rooms.

Stack High!

In many homes, storage doesn’t necessarily happen above chest level -- which for many, is
totally ok! Other than closets, it’s important to look at your potential for vertical storage and
how you can make the most of what you have. Think about shelving and hooks for hanging
items that get little use and put them somewhere that’s out of the way, but neatly organized!

Take Advantage of Boxes

Taking advantage of space-saving boxes can be helpful if you have a garage, attic, or
basement to put them! These ergonomic boxes provide you with ample storage space and
are usually one big uniform shape. This means they store easily AND aren’t forced to balance
on top of one another like a game of Tetris.

Bag Storage

In an effort to use less plastic when shopping, make use of the ones you have for
something specific, like bathroom trash bags, and reuse the others! This allows you to
not have to purchase other items to hold these bags in, and gives them an easy and direct
purpose. Not only will this reduce your footprint, but the bags you use to shop can be
reusable, and fashion forward as well!

Providing homes and businesses with effective waste management is a service that City
Carting & Recycling has been doing for over 35 years. If you’re looking for dumpster rental
or services, give us a call at (888) 413-3344 to request a free quote, or visit us on our website!
For more information, tips and tricks, make sure to Like our Facebook page!