As a homeowner, whether new or old, you’re likely constantly learning how to best
manage your waste, organization, and your home as a whole! What comes with those
experiences is usually a purchase of some sort, which improves that process; and these
purchases can be a few dollars or something a bit larger to accommodate your needs.
Below are a few items that can improve the quality of life at home, and help you improve
your overall process!
Separate Garbages
It’s important that in 2019, you know that many things don’t go in the same garbage can --
and the best way to solve that is to have multiples! If you’re the super conscious type, keep
three separate cans -- one for food, one for recycling, and one for food waste. This way you
can properly separate all of them and make sure that everything is always where it needs
to be when it’s collected.
Bungee Cords
In addition to being great at latching down a new mattress or piece of furniture, a bungee
cord can be a great option for you when it comes to holding down your garbage cans so
that critters don’t get in where they shouldn’t. These bundles of cords can be had for a
very low price and pose a lot of benefits in many aspects of daily life.
Compost Heap
As mentioned above, keeping food separated can be a great solution for those looking for
another option and another way to keep their home a bit more green. This compost heap
will allow you to repurpose old food into new soil for your plants, which is a huge plus!
Of course, conscious waste management is also very necessary -- and making sure this
practice is done on a constant basis requires someone who can effectively haul your garbage
away when you need it gone!
Providing homes and businesses with effective waste management is a service that City
Carting & Recycling has been doing for over 35 years. If you’re looking for dumpster rental
or services, give us a call at (888) 413-3344 to request a free quote, or visit us on our