Electronics are great until, well, they don’t work anymore. While sometimes this isn’t always the case, obsolete pieces of tech often find themselves tossed into corners and closets to collect dust. Instead of hoarding this type of material, why not attempt to get rid of it via your waste company? There are a few things one should know prior to handing sensitive materials over to a landfill. While they may seem obvious, it’s your last shot before they’re gone for good!

Back It Up!
As obvious as it may sound to some, many people throw things out before realizing that they had memories saved on devices such as computers, cameras, and more. If you don’t have a replacement piece of technology just yet, it’s a good idea to plug in an external drive to hold your information before throwing the equipment out, so you don’t regret losing those photos from disney back in ‘96.
Destroy it -- Responsibly.
With everything, there’s no better notion than practicing safe protection methods. If your device is not operating anymore, yet there’s still info on it, it’s a good idea to safely destroy the main components. Similar to cutting up a credit card and shredding documents, breaking a hard drive, or drilling a few holes through it is a great way to preserve your info.
When you’re ready to toss your special electronic waste, give City Carting a call -- we’d love to discuss the easy and carefree methods of throwing out your garbage.
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