
Friday, October 11, 2019

Why Does My Garbage Smell Bad?

You open the lid of your garbage can to a pungent odor that shouldn’t be there — there are only a few things in the trash! This is an all too common occurrence, with many homeowners fearful of opening their lids to reveal the bad smell. But this doesn’t always have to be the case, and being more mindful about your garbage is a sure-fire way to reduce the amount of bad smells that.

Watch What You Toss

When it comes to specific things that go in the trash, meats and other perishables can lead to bad smells after one day. Instead of tossing the scraps from your meal or trimmings from the raw meat, try freezing them in a bag until the night before the garbage is supposed to go out. This way, it’s impossible for it to smell, won’t be in the trash long enough to produce an odor, and is easily stored! Additionally, animals likely won’t be able to smell the meat, and wont rummage through your trash.

Clean The Can

It’s obvious that not every single particle ends up in the trash when it’s thrown out. Because of this, routine cleaning should also be done periodically to remove germs, excess liquid, and food particles that might have wandered off while being thrown away. This also goes for your outdoor can as well, which could use a bit of soap and a hose down every now and then.

Use New Bags

Sometimes, the run of the mill garbage bags aren’t so good at keeping the smell out from food. Luckily, modern innovations have helped forge new types of material that can help absorb bad smelling food and liquids. Spend the extra dollar next time you’re shopping for a box of bags and see if this helps make a difference in your garbage.

Likewise, you should also have a qualified company that can handle the garbage you’re trying to get rid of. With City Carting, our professionals are dedicated to ridding your home of the garbage that stinks and bring it somewhere to be sorted and processed. If you’re in need, make sure you’re enlisting the help of someone who can do just that — help!

Providing homes and businesses with effective waste management is a service that City Carting & Recycling has been doing for over 35 years. If you’re interested in dumpster rental or disposal services, give us a call at (888) 413-3344 to request a free quote, or visit us on our website! For more information, tips and tricks, make sure to Like our Facebook page!

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