
Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Top 3 Things You Should Be Recycling

Recycling is a key to today’s society. Without the efforts put forth by recycling, we’d have
waste piling up in landfills even more than before! This is why, no matter the product, it’s
always worth seeing if it can be recycled -- not only to help our waste issues, but to combat
overutilization of materials that we already have extra of. Below are a few of the top things
you should be recycling at home that can prove to save our environment.


Obviously one of the biggest contributors to our waste is the unnecessary use of plastic in
everyday life. This comes from containers to hold food, water bottles, packaging and more.
As we consume more, we use more, and a ton of it goes unrecycled, which leaves the
process to become a cycle of constantly needing new materials when old pieces can be
broken down and reused. Combat this by aggregating all of your plastic in one area and
recycling it in bulk so that it’s easy to take in one load rather than more frequent, smaller


Another large contributor comes from paper, which is something we write on, get mail
from, and use for other purposes. Instead of buying huge packs of paper plates, there
are certainly sustainable means in which you can make the most out of other materials,
and save paper. Instead of throwing these items right in the trash, recycle them individually
as paper so they don’t become contaminated with other liquids and can be reused.


One of the worst things taking up space is styrofoam, as it’s breakdown time is among the
longest of any material. With products that contain styrofoam, it’s easy to want to just toss it
away since there’s no use, however finding a way to use it can benefit both you and the
environment at the same time. Instead of tossing this material in the garbage, contact your
local waste company to see how you can combat pollution and get rid of this item safely!

Providing homes and businesses with effective waste management is a service that City
Carting & Recycling has been doing for over 35 years. If you’re looking for dumpster rental
or services, give us a call at (888) 413-3344 to request a free quote, or visit us on our
website! For more information, tips and tricks, make sure to Like our Facebook page!

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