
Saturday, June 11, 2016

Recycling Tips You Need To Know

Recycling is one of the most important things we can do to preserve our planet, yet sadly many of us do not practice these methods efficiently. While we’re not suggesting that you buy everything organic and stop throwing things out, there are a few different ways that you can alter your footprint for the better, save yourself some money, and help out the environment at the same time.


Believe it or not, but the term recycling can also extend to conserving and reusing water! Try starting by placing a bucket of water inside your shower while you bathe. As it fills up, you’ll have a bucket of water for a few different things! You can use this to help water the plants, or you can turn around and give your car a wash without the need to fill up a bucket first. This also serves as water when giving the dog a bath as well.

Your Aluminum

By recycling your aluminum, you’re creating abilities to house new energy each day. One can can keep a 100-watt light bulb lit for four hours, or alternatively can keep your television on for three. It also takes 95% less energy to create a new aluminum can from a recycled can than it does to make from scratch.

Keep or recycle it! Cardboard can be recycled and used for new cardboard for 25% less energy than it would take otherwise. In addition, saving cardboard can help for future projects such as shipping packages, or using it when you need to lay down on the ground under the car for an oil change. One ton of cardboard saves an average of nine cubic yards of landfill space.

If you’re interested in how you can begin practicing effective recycling, give City Carting a call and we’ll be happy to provide you with more information -- after all, it’s what we do!

Providing homes and businesses with effective waste management is a service that City Carting & Recycling has been doing for over 35 years. If you’re interested in dumpster rental or disposal services, give us a call at (888) 413-3344 to request a free quote, or visit us on our website! For more information, tips and tricks, make sure to Like our Facebook page!

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