
Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Why Are Animals Getting Into My Garbage?

Walking out to your garbage spilled across the driveway is a less than ideal
morning -- especially knowing that this is an indicator of something getting into the trash.
Not only can this be a nuisance to clean up, but it can also turn into a recurring problem.
Before grabbing your (humane!) animal traps, first assess what the problem is and how
you can prevent it from happening in the first place.


The odor from food, even if it’s gone bad, can be a sweet scent for animals. Seeing as
some of their bodies are also designed differently than us, how they consume their food
doesn’t affect their digestion. This is why that old chicken or extra steak is a gourmet meal
for them. To combat this, freeze your meats in the freezer. And throw them away the
night before pickup! Frozen meat is much harder to smell and it likely won’t defrost before
the truck picks it up.

Garbage Lids

Another thing to consider is how your critters are making their way into the garbage.
For humans, having thumbs is easy, and it also enables raccoons to get into your garbage
as well -- even with lids! To combat both at the same time, take bungee cords and strap
them overtop the lids to add an extra layer of security.

It’s Left Out Too Long

Similar to the first reason, animals have a keen sense of smell, and can certainly tell when
there’s a tasty treat nearby. The longer you let old garbage sit and permeate, the easier it
is for animals to detect it, and make their way over. Even if you can’t, there’s a good chance
they CAN smell it!

Efficient garbage removal is something necessary in order to keep your home operating as
it should, while also maintaining a clean area. If you’re ready to improve this in your own
home, make sure you’re enlisting the help of a company who can help easily and seamlessly!

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Green Improvements You Can Make At Home

The concept of going green is always present in the minds of homeowners, however the
action of doing it sometimes isn’t. By the middle of the year, resolutions that haven’t been
met do sometimes fall between the cracks, however creating a greener planet should always
be a goal. Below are a few ways you can do that at home, at very low costs!

Less Plastic

When you’re at the grocery store, consider 86’ing the idea of using a ton of plastic bags to
bring everything home. It might seem like a small change, but 10-12 bags on average is a
lot of plastic that ends up getting thrown out. As an alternative, try using a canvas bag or
something similar, which has more than one use.

Ditch Aerosol

Whether it’s a cleaning product or a body spray, cans that are loaded with aerosol can be
harmful to breathe, as well as for the environment. As it’s been noted, the air surrounding
our planet is getting worse and worse, while protective layers are becoming thinner as more
\pollutants enter the area. Try traditional spray bottles instead for a better result.

Collect Water

Instead of using water and racking up the bill every time you need some, consider methods
in which you can reuse old water! Place a bucket inside the shower or collect rainwater and
use it for something else! This can be great for washing your cars, doing a load of laundry,
watering the plants and more! The opportunities are seemingly endless and can not only have
a positive impact on your life and the earth, but your wallet benefits as well.

While you’re focusing on some of these tactics this summer, also make sure you’re doing what
you can to improve your waste strategy. As the temperature increases, foul odors and animals
will be out to grab last night’s trash from your bins. Combat this by enlisting the help of a waste company that cares!