
Thursday, December 20, 2018

Winter Hacks For Homeowners

As winter draws near, the reality of going outside to brave the cold for a minor task
or inconvenience seems almost horrible -- and quite frankly, nobody wants to be doing
anything that requires more work than normal. As a homeowner, the process of upkeep
can sometimes be very difficult and time consuming; however implementing hacks for
yourself can save time and energy, allowing you to enjoy your free time effectively. Here
are some we’ve hand-picked for the CT homeowner this winter.

Tarp Your Steps

What might sound funny is actually a great hack to quickly get rid of snow and ice on your
stairs outside -- which can help save you from injury! Grab a tarp large enough to cover the
area of your stairs and secure it at the ends with something heavy enough to prevent it
from flying away. Once the snow has passed or you’re ready to shovel, head outside and
pull back on the tarp, dragging the snow elsewhere. This helps rid your stairs of snow and
saves you a ton of shoveling time.

Move Garbage Cans

If your garbage cans are far away from the door, try and move them a bit closer and within
the path of your daily walks! This saves you from having to venture all the way to its normal
spot just to take out the trash -- and best of all, it doesn’t require any work!

Use Your Oven Heat

Once you’re finished using the oven for baked goods, leave the door open and allow the
heat to move into your living space. This helps heat a small area with ease, as your oven
is likely piping hot, and you’ve already paid for the used heat anyway!

As the weather continues to change, it’s important to stay alert to any changing conditions
as they happen, while also monitoring the weather reports in your area -- for the safety of
you and your family. Continue to keep up to date with any outages in service which can
also include that of your waste management company!

Providing homes and businesses with effective waste management is a service that City
Carting & Recycling has been doing for over 35 years. If you’re looking for dumpster
rental or services, give us a call at (888) 413-3344 to request a free quote, or visit us on
our website! For more information, tips and tricks, make sure to Like our Facebook page!

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Home Cleanliness New Years Resolutions

As the new year approaches, it’s time to think about how you can become a bit more in
tune with your home, its health, and how you can benefit from a routine of cleaning in 2019!
Oftentimes, we’re all susceptible to the effects of a dirty home, and this year can be the
time in which you decide to hunker down and make a real change! Below are a few creative
ways to make resolutions for the new year that enable you to keep your home clean, and
yourself busy!

Start Keeping Lists

Do you remember the last time you vacuumed or dusted the house? If not, it’s probably
been a long time. And for many reasons, it’s important to keep up on those small things
that lead to a cleaner home. Instead of guesstimating, try to keep lists in easily accessible
places, such as on the fridge, or in a pantry that provides storage for your cleaning products.
This enables you to keep a quickly accessible list that you can update when you decide to
do a bit of Saturday sweeping.

Designate Cleaning Days

If Sunday is the day you enjoy spending on the couch, why not reward yourself after a bit
of tidying up? It’s much easier to set yourself 30 minutes on the weekend to clean when
you know there’s a reward waiting for you at the end. This makes cleaning easier and
more desirable, as you’re working towards a goal and an end result that allows you to
relax -- and enjoy a cleaner living space!

Organize Your Trash

It’s important to understand that in addition to the visual aspects of a clean home, your
home’s odor and air quality is a huge indicator of health as well. This comes from being
attentive to the amount of garbage in your home, and controlling when it’s removed and
disposed of. Try to set different intervals where you’ll regularly go through trash bins and
empty them, which will enable you to avoid foul odors permeating through the air. Of course,
an on-time and competent waste management service is also needed to make this idea
come full-circle -- and we can help with that!

Providing homes and businesses with effective waste management is a service that City
Carting & Recycling has been doing for over 35 years. If you’re looking for dumpster rental
or services, give us a call at (888) 413-3344 to request a free quote, or visit us on our
website! For more information, tips and tricks, make sure to Like our Facebook page!

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Avoiding Snow Buildup in Bad Areas at Home

When you’re home with an incoming snowstorm, it’s important for you and anyone inside to
properly prepare not only for yourselves and your schedule, but your home as well. While it’s
always highly dependent on the amount of snow you’ll receive, there’s never a bad time to
anticipate and be ready for a blanket of white powder. Most importantly, to prevent damage
and lapses in everyday routines, keeping snow buildup away from key areas of your home
is and should be a focal point of yours. Below are a few things to keep in mind when it’s on
the way.

Keep It Away From Your Home

It’s important to know that your home is something that, while it might be pretty, can easily
become damaged due to the elements outside. When snow and ice buildup occurs around
the perimeter, it can lead to frozen pipes, leaks, and cracking due to the nature of water that
fluctuates between freezing temperatures. If possible, keep any and all snow and ice away
from your home and brush it out of crevices to avoid unwanted and costly damage.

Grab Ice Melt

For your own safety and the wellbeing of those who are inside your home, make sure you’re
keeping a bit of ice-melt in the area for quick access when you need it. Black ice can be the
reason for a sore ankle or bottom, and it’s much more favorable to not be resting a sore
muscle due to a fall. Keep this nearby and prevent ice from forming before it leads to serious

Keep Garbage Cans Close and Handy

To not impede on the flow of taking your garbage out and having it nearby for disposal, try
and move your cans closer to the area that you’re constantly walking across. This makes
taking the trash out much easier for you, and getting it to the curb is less of a task.
Additionally, make sure you’re keeping the lid on your cans tight to prevent snow and
any precipitation from getting in and weighing it down.

Friday, November 30, 2018

Great Home Gifts For New Homeowners

As the holidays approach rather quickly, you may find yourself in the pool of individuals
who can’t seem to find the right gift for friends and family members. And while this is an
all too common occurrence for many, it doesn’t have to be a painstaking experience
finding a gift! Thinking about those who have recently moved into a new living space,
there’s always room for figuring out what to get new homeowners! We’ve got a few ideas
you can look for today that may help your case.

Disposal Products

When someone moves into their new house, one of the things they’re going to use almost
every single day is a garbage can. Whether in the bathroom or in the kitchen, everyone
needs one, and they love when it matches the decor around the home. Grabbing a few
garbage bins might not seem like the most fun gift in the world, but it helps with waste
management and it’ll sure excite the new homeowners.

Towels and Rags

It’s one thing to be unprepared when you’re not really in need of something, but when
there are dishes soaking wet and you don’t have a way to dry yourself after a shower,
things can become a problem. Grabbing your friends or family a spare set of towels is a
great way to let them know that they’re prepared for guests, and they’ve got a backup set
of laundry-based items should they need it!

Extra Supplies

Believe it or not, a basket full of cleaning supplies is probably a great idea! Everything
from granite and stove cleaner, down to sponges and steel wool can be useful for those
who don’t know they need it in their home. Keep them stocked with the everyday items
they didn’t know they needed!

Of course, new homeowners should also check in to see about what they can do for their
waste once it exits the house. Should this be something they need to focus on, make sure
they're educated and go with a company that can help!

Providing homes and businesses with effective waste management is a service that City
Carting & Recycling has been doing for over 35 years. If you’re looking for dumpster rental
or services, give us a call at (888) 413-3344 to request a free quote, or visit us on our
website! For more information, tips and tricks, make sure to Like our Facebook page!

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Can City Carting Help With Large Garbage?

Garbage sometimes fits in a small trash bin, and other times, it takes up an entire driveway
and looks like it’s never going to go away. In both situations, you’re equally responsible for
the proper disposal of this waste, no matter the eventual end use for it. Many CT homeowners
are usually worried about the amount of garbage they accumulate, and for larger projects,
often don’t know where to put it. So when it comes to enlisting the help of a service like ours,
one of the most common questions we receive is ‘how much can you guys handle?’. While
larger piles of waste aren’t typically found on multiple driveways on the same street, we do
have a process for larger garbage types. See below to see what we can handle!


For residential projects, we’re able to tackle garbage loads as small as the bin it fits in, all the
way to roll-off containers full of garbage. This includes everything from a larger than
anticipated barbeque, all the way up to huge remodeling jobs that take months to complete!
Whatever the case is at your home, our waste collection is never limited by the amount we
have to remove -- the more the merrier!

Commercial Spaces

Even for commercial jobs, our services are not limited to larger hauls of garbage. For
specific applications, we’re able to handle the load from buildings with roll-off containers,
as well as a smaller optioned front or rear load container. This allows us the ability to pick
it up and haul it away as soon as it’s full and ready for us, leaving you with no trash behind
and a clean bin to fill right back up!

Should you be looking for some type of garbage assistance this year OR next, make sure to
get in contact with a company who can help deload your load of waste!

Providing homes and businesses with effective waste management is a service that City
Carting & Recycling has been doing for over 35 years. If you’re looking for dumpster rental
or services, give us a call at (888) 413-3344 to request a free quote, or visit us on our website!
For more information, tips and tricks, make sure to Like our Facebook page!

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Showing Your Home Some Love This Year

With Thanksgiving right around the corner, it’s important to know that there are a lot of
things to give thanks for -- in addition to your friends, family and health! When it pertains
to your home, there’s a good reason to also give thanks to the place you come to after
work, sleep in, and enjoy as your very own space. This holiday, show some love to your
home as a way to say thanks, and enjoy everything it has to offer!

Clean Around The Trash

In addition to routinely cleaning the rest of your home, spend a few extra minutes deep
cleaning the area around your trash inside, and outside. The main reason for this is that
your garbage typically always has bacteria attached to it (among sauces, food particles
and more), and it can latch onto the flooring and walls in the area. A deeper clean can get
rid of any odors or lingering issues associated with the garbage.

Prepare Your Living Space

One of the most distinctive things found in a home is the initial smell people are greeted
with when they walk through the door. If it’s been a while since you’ve smelled the home’s
odor, make sure you get an honest opinion from someone else before hosting guests.
If the scent is a little different than what you’d like, it can be masked with some cleaning,
and by baking a fresh loaf of bread, or brewing hot coffee!

Anticipate Garbage!

Hosting people is always a good time -- but it can get messy. To alleviate the mess, make
sure you’re allocating extra bags, and sorting them by the type of trash. Extra food scraps
can go into one bag, while recyclables go into another! This helps alleviate the trash
sorting issue and makes it much easier on your collection company!

Providing homes and businesses with effective waste management is a service that City
Carting & Recycling has been doing for over 35 years. If you’re looking for dumpster rental
or services, give us a call at (888) 413-3344 to request a free quote, or visit us on our
website! For more information, tips and tricks, make sure to Like our Facebook page!

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Why Do My Garbage Bags Always Rip?

You’re tying off your garbage bag in anticipation of bringing it outside and into the trash can.
You pick it up, and begin walking it to the door when the handles suddenly become extremely
light and your floor is covered in trash. A travesty indeed. And while this is sometimes more
of a rare occurrence, this can be all too common of an experience for many homeowners
around the country. But why does this happen? Well, we’ve got a few ideas for you to consider.

Sharp Objects

Safety is key when it comes to your trash -- for you and your waste company! Sharp objects
have a tendency to create punctures in the bag, which combined with the weight of the trash,
can lead to bigger tears, and an even bigger mess. Make sure that if you have to throw
something sharp out, it’s protected AND isn’t in the regular trash bag.

Too Much Trash

It’s also common to think you can continue compacting your trash into the bag until it won’t
budge again -- but all that’s doing is making it harder for you in the long run! Not only are
your garbage bags designed to handle a specific weight, but pressing them in that manner
can also lead to stretching, weak spot formation, and tearing.

Hazardous Materials

We know that the chances of you working with dangerous materials is slim, but sometimes,
even household chemicals can have negative effects on your trash and the bag in which it’s
stored in. These chemicals can result in weakness at the bottom of the bag, which can cause
tearing. Think of it like a wet paper bag -- it doesn’t take much to rip open!

Of course, make sure above all else as well that you’re taking care of your home after a
spill or a garbage fiasco. The last thing you need is more trash due to the misfortune of your
trash becoming scattered across the floor.

Providing homes and businesses with effective waste management is a service that City
Carting & Recycling has been doing for over 35 years. If you’re looking for dumpster rental
or services, give us a call at (888) 413-3344 to request a free quote, or visit us on our
website! For more information, tips and tricks, make sure to Like our Facebook page!