
Thursday, November 15, 2018

Why Do My Garbage Bags Always Rip?

You’re tying off your garbage bag in anticipation of bringing it outside and into the trash can.
You pick it up, and begin walking it to the door when the handles suddenly become extremely
light and your floor is covered in trash. A travesty indeed. And while this is sometimes more
of a rare occurrence, this can be all too common of an experience for many homeowners
around the country. But why does this happen? Well, we’ve got a few ideas for you to consider.

Sharp Objects

Safety is key when it comes to your trash -- for you and your waste company! Sharp objects
have a tendency to create punctures in the bag, which combined with the weight of the trash,
can lead to bigger tears, and an even bigger mess. Make sure that if you have to throw
something sharp out, it’s protected AND isn’t in the regular trash bag.

Too Much Trash

It’s also common to think you can continue compacting your trash into the bag until it won’t
budge again -- but all that’s doing is making it harder for you in the long run! Not only are
your garbage bags designed to handle a specific weight, but pressing them in that manner
can also lead to stretching, weak spot formation, and tearing.

Hazardous Materials

We know that the chances of you working with dangerous materials is slim, but sometimes,
even household chemicals can have negative effects on your trash and the bag in which it’s
stored in. These chemicals can result in weakness at the bottom of the bag, which can cause
tearing. Think of it like a wet paper bag -- it doesn’t take much to rip open!

Of course, make sure above all else as well that you’re taking care of your home after a
spill or a garbage fiasco. The last thing you need is more trash due to the misfortune of your
trash becoming scattered across the floor.

Providing homes and businesses with effective waste management is a service that City
Carting & Recycling has been doing for over 35 years. If you’re looking for dumpster rental
or services, give us a call at (888) 413-3344 to request a free quote, or visit us on our
website! For more information, tips and tricks, make sure to Like our Facebook page!

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